Buon Gusto To Partner With SSFAC !!

The Founder, Vincenzo, was born and raised in Porto San Giorgio in the Marche Region of Italy. He grew up fishing alongside his father and he loves seasfood, a fact clearly reflected in the Buon Gusto menus. Vincenzo's motto is "Chi Mangia Bene, Vive Bene", meaning, "He Who Eats Well, Lives Well."

In 1988, Vincenzo & his partner Carmelo opened Ristorante Buon Gusto in it's present location on Grand Avenue in downtown South San Francisco. They assured the friendly SSF Italian community that there was more than enough room for a traditional Italian Restaurant in their town. Right from the beginning, success was achieved which is something that contiues to this day as many of the original Italian locals and thier families are still regualrs at Ristorante Buon Gusto.

For more information on Ristorante Buon Gusto please visit their website at: 
