All Time Best Eleven |
From 1995 to 2005 over 125 players have put on the SSF Shooters Jersey. | |
Coach Mike Pizzo has had the priviledge of coaching many talented young | |
ladies during his seasons with the team. Listed below is his All Time | |
Starting XI, with a little information about each of them. With so many great | |
players it was a difficult task, so Honorable Mentions are listed at each position. | |
During her 8 seasons with the team, Katie was the glue that held | |
the defense together with fearless and extraordinary play in goal. | SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO SHOOTERS |
During the teams Divisional Championship seasons, she was | 1995 - 2005 |
unbeatable, and made unbelieveable saves to keep her team on top. | ALL TIME STARTING XI |
She played through injuries and totaled 25 career shutouts. | |
Honorable Mention: | |
Laura Rinde 2003-05, Rachel Hoffman 2002-03 | |
Richter | |
Stacey PIZZO ( DF ) 1995-2004 | Pizzo Chapman |
The heart & soul of the team, the enforcer on defense. "C" took on | |
every challenge, and her leadership in the backline made SSF | Rinde Hipon |
difficult to score on, and her skills and pinpoint passes started the | |
counter attack. She had to match up with bigger opponents but | Esposto Alpine |
Stacey won the battles, wearing a uniform often soiled with dirt & | |
blood stains. Gave 100% in every match, with hustle and dedication. | Acosta Arasato |
Honorable Mention: | |
Ida Gemignani 2002-05, Anne Nishimoto 2002-05 | Aguayo Dodson |
Jen CHAPMAN ( DF ) 1998-2002 | Amy ESPOSTO ( MF ) 1995-05 |
This player was a "gamer" as she was dominate in the defense. | Classy, dangerous, smart, confident, lethal, consistent....just some |
Often running down the opposing attackers, taking possesion of | of the words to describe this amazing player. She could control the |
the ball and shutting down opportunities. She was a hard nosed, | pace of the game, set up teammates or score the big goal when |
leader, never giving up, and playing all out until the final whistle. | needed. The teams all time leading scorer, deadly on all set pieces |
A solid performer who was respected throughout the GGWSL | One of the most all around talents to ever wear the Shooters jersey |
Honorable Mention: | Honorable Mention: |
Jenny Sagstrom 2001-05, Jenn Cassell 1999-02 | Kelli Dragovich 2002-05, Katie Deatherage 2001-05 |
Heather HIPON ( DF ) 1995-2005 | Dayna ALPINE ( MF ) 2001-2005 |
The little engine that could....despite being one of the smaller | A hard working talented skillful player, who could play any postion. |
defenders on the team, she was hard to beat, and getting around | Called upon many times to play defense because of her work |
her was no easy task. Consistently made big plays to get the team | ethic and knowledge of the game, yet she was a brilliant midfield |
out of trouble and she was a rock on the outside back position. Was | player who often served a great ball to teammates making a run |
clever on the ball, and always made good decisions. Big time player | at goal. A creative solid player who always put "team"... first |
Honorable Mention: | Honorable Mention: |
Kim Suekawa 2002-05, Holly Rekow 1995-99, 03-04 | Emily Marzak 2003-05, Gina Grasso 1997-98 |
Elisa RINDE ( DF ) 1997-2005 | Esther AGUAYO ( F ) 1998-2005 |
The "terminator" on defense, who took on all comers. Played hard, | The most skilled player the Shooters ever had. Could score with |
physical, and relentless. Won every ball in the air, and made | either foot, serve a perfect ball to teammates, and find the upper |
game saving tackles often stripping the ball away from forwards. |
corner of the net with a free kick. Often left players in her wake, |
"E" always lead by example and played the game the way it was | admiring her ability to cover so much ground with ease. When |
meant to be played, giving 100 percent and working hard all over | needed, she would come back behind the ball and support the |
the pitch trying to win every ball. Her efforts provided many victories | defense. A talent combined with desire & passion describes her. |
Honorable Mention: | Honorable Mention: |
Anastasia Giovannoni 1995-99, Anna Hochberg 2000-02, 03-04 | Amy Stanton 1995-98, Laksmi Abraham 1997-98, |
Stacy ARASATO ( MF ) 1999-2005 | Melanie DODSON ( F ) 2001-2004 |
A clutch performer who always came up with a big assist or a huge | A pure goal scorer, a consistent finisher with the speed of a bolt |
goal when needed. A player who could keep possesion and set up | of lightning. Made the game seem effortless, and fun at the same |
her teammates. Helped out on defense, and made the offense | time. A positive voice on the pitch always supportive of her team, |
dangerous with her runs up the wing, and a deadly shot from most | she was the go to player when a goal was needed, and she never |
anywhere on the pitch. One of the most consistent players ever on | disappointed. Lead the entire league in scoring in 03'. The smile on |
the team. Her midfield play was often a catalyst to Shooters wins. | her face told you something good was about to happen, and it did. |
Honorable Mention: | Honorable Mention: |
Nancy Canales 1997-04, Stephanie Chetcuti 1995-98 | Amber Johnson 1999-00, 01-02, Lily Battistoni 1998-99 |
Stephanie ACOSTA ( MF ) 1998-2000 | |
A very smart player who could carry a team on her back. Able to | |
play multiple positions. Very talented on the ball, and often left players | |
standing as she smoothly went past them and created chances on | |
net. A solid goal scorer with the ability to strike from anywhere. | |
Honorable Mention: | |
Bianca Sanchez 1995-97, 99-00, Mariana Tandy 1996-98 | |